`musikspider` is a web client that works with `musikquadrupled`. It is made using SvelteKit. WIP. ![image](https://github.com/yusdacra/musikspider/assets/19897088/d5b407cf-ea14-4c62-af79-453fed84bace) # Development - Get `bun` and `nodejs`. - Run `bun run preview` for development server. - Run `bun run build` for production build. You can also use the provided Nix development shell if you are using Nix flakes. A production build is also available at `packages.x86_64-linux.default`. # TODOs - [x] basic music playing and controls - [ ] implement playlists (local and remote) - [ ] implement album and artist viewing - [ ] implement persistence of music data, playlists and such - [ ] implement scrobbling (last.fm, etc) - [ ] implement discord status - [ ] add tauri app?