use axum::{ extract::State, response::{Html, IntoResponse}, routing::get, Router, }; use dashmap::DashMap; use error::AppError; use http::Uri; use std::{ collections::HashMap, ops::Deref, str::FromStr, sync::{Arc, Mutex}, }; mod error; type AppResult = Result; #[derive(Clone)] enum ArtKind { Twitter, } impl FromStr for ArtKind { type Err = AppError; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { match s { "" => Ok(Self::Twitter), _ => Err("not support website".into()), } } } #[derive(Clone)] struct Art { url: Uri, kind: ArtKind, } impl FromStr for Art { type Err = AppError; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { let url: Uri = s.parse()?; let kind: ArtKind = url.authority().unwrap().host().parse()?; Ok(Self { url, kind }) } } struct Data { // actual arts art: Vec, art_indices: HashMap, } impl Data { fn parse(data: &str) -> AppResult { let mut this = Self { art: Default::default(), art_indices: Default::default(), }; for entry in data.lines() { let art: Art = entry.parse()?; this.art_indices.insert(art.url.clone(),;; } Ok(this) } fn pick_random_art(&self) -> &Art { let no = fastrand::usize(; &[no] } fn reload(&mut self, data: &str) -> AppResult<()> { for entry in data.lines() { let art: Art = entry.parse()?; if !self.art_indices.contains_key(&art.url) { self.art_indices.insert(art.url.clone(),;; } } Ok(()) } } struct InternalAppState { // cached direct links to images direct_links: DashMap, data: Mutex, http: reqwest::Client, } #[derive(Clone)] struct AppState { internal: Arc, } impl AppState { fn new(data: Data) -> Self { Self { internal: Arc::new(InternalAppState { data: Mutex::new(data), direct_links: Default::default(), http: reqwest::ClientBuilder::new() .redirect(reqwest::redirect::Policy::none()) .build() .unwrap(), }), } } } impl Deref for AppState { type Target = InternalAppState; fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { &self.internal } } const ARTS_PATH: &str = "arts.txt"; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let arts = std::fs::read_to_string(ARTS_PATH).unwrap(); let state = AppState::new(Data::parse(&arts).unwrap()); std::thread::spawn({ use signal_hook::{consts::SIGUSR2, iterator::Signals}; let state = state.clone(); move || { let mut signals = Signals::new(&[SIGUSR2]).unwrap(); for _ in signals.forever() { let data = std::fs::read_to_string(ARTS_PATH).unwrap();; } } }); let app = Router::new().route("/", get(show_art)).with_state(state); let listener = tokio::net::TcpListener::bind("") .await .unwrap(); println!("listening on {}", listener.local_addr().unwrap()); axum::serve(listener, app).await.unwrap(); } async fn show_art(state: State) -> AppResult { let art =; let image_link = if let Some(image_link) = state.direct_links.get(&art.url) { image_link.to_string() } else { let image_link = match art.kind { ArtKind::Twitter => fetch_twitter_image_link(&state.http, &art.url).await?, }; state .direct_links .insert(art.url.clone(), image_link.clone()); image_link }; let page = render_page(&art, &image_link); Ok(page.into_response()) } fn render_page(art: &Art, image_link: &str) -> Html { let body_style = "margin: 0px; background: #0e0e0e; height: 100vh; width: 100vw; display: flex;"; let img_style = "display: block; margin: auto; max-height: 100vh; max-width: 100vw;"; let about_style = "position: absolute; bottom: 0; font-size: 0.75em; color: #ffffff; background-color: #0e0e0eaa;"; let content = maud::html! { (maud::DOCTYPE) head { meta charset="utf8"; meta property="og:title" content="random pm art here!!"; meta property="og:description" content="click NOW to see a random PM art"; meta name="theme-color" content="#bd0000"; title { "random pm art" } } body style=(body_style) { img style=(img_style) src=(image_link); a style=(format!("{about_style} left: 0;")) href=(art.url) target="_blank" { "source: " (art.url) } a style=(format!("{about_style} right: 0;")) href="" target="_blank" { "website made by dusk" } } }; Html(content.into_string()) } async fn fetch_twitter_image_link(http: &reqwest::Client, url: &Uri) -> AppResult { let fxurl = Uri::builder() .scheme("https") .authority("") .path_and_query(url.path_and_query().unwrap().clone()) .build()? .to_string(); let req = http.get(fxurl).build()?; let resp = http.execute(req).await?.error_for_status()?; let link = resp .headers() .get(http::header::LOCATION) .unwrap() .to_str()? .to_owned(); Ok(link) }