{ config, lib, ... }: let l = lib // builtins; t = l.types; inherit (config.html-nix.lib) html css; func = ctx: let stylesheets = l.map html.mkStylesheet ["${ctx.baseurl}/site.css"]; stylesheet = import ./stylesheet.nix {inherit css l;}; renderPost = post: with html; article [ (h1 {inherit (post) id;} post.displayName) ( l.optionalString (post.date != null) (h4 {class = "nohashtag";} ("date: " + post.date)) ) post.content ]; mkPage = { content, titleStr ? ctx.config.title, }: with html; '' ${html.html [ (head (stylesheets ++ [ (title titleStr) (meta { name = "viewport"; content = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"; }) ])) (body '' ${script "0"} ${div (l.flatten [ navBar (hr {}) content ])} '') ]} ''; navBar = with html; nav ( [ (a { href = "${ctx.baseurl}/"; class = "novisited"; } "home") ] ++ ( l.map ( page: " " + ( a { href = "${ctx.baseurl}/${page.id}/"; class = "novisited"; } page.displayName ) ) ctx.pages ) ); mkPostsLinks = posts: with html; l.singleton (ul ( l.map ( post: li ( a {href = "${ctx.baseurl}/${post.id}";} ( if post.date != null then "${post.date} - ${post.displayName}" else post.displayName ) ) ) posts )); postsLinksWithDate = mkPostsLinks (l.filter (p: p.date != null) ctx.posts); postsLinksWithoutDate = mkPostsLinks (l.filter (p: p.date == null) ctx.posts); postsSectionContent = [(html.h1 "posts")] ++ postsLinksWithDate ++ [(html.h2 "miscellaneous")] ++ postsLinksWithoutDate; postsRendered = l.listToAttrs ( l.map (post: l.nameValuePair post.id { content = renderPost post; name = post.displayName; }) ctx.posts ); pagesRendered = l.listToAttrs ( l.map (page: l.nameValuePair page.id { content = page.content; name = page.displayName; }) ctx.pages ); indexPage = mkPage { content = ctx.indexContent or postsSectionContent; }; in { inherit ctx stylesheets mkPage stylesheet postsSectionContent; site = ctx.site // { "index.html" = indexPage; "posts"."index.html" = mkPage { content = postsSectionContent; titleStr = "posts - ${ctx.config.title}"; }; "404.html" = mkPage { content = html.h1 {class = "nohashtag";} "404 - page not found"; titleStr = "page not found - ${ctx.config.title}"; }; "site.css" = stylesheet; } // ( l.mapAttrs ( name: value: { "index.html" = mkPage { content = value.content; titleStr = "${value.name} - ${ctx.config.title}"; }; } ) (pagesRendered // postsRendered) ) // l.optionalAttrs (ctx ? resources) {inherit (ctx) resources;}; }; in { options = { html-nix.lib.templaters.simple = l.mkOption { type = t.uniq (t.functionTo t.attrs); }; }; config = { html-nix.lib.templaters.simple = func; }; }