{ lib, flake-parts-lib, ... }: let l = lib // builtins; recursiveAttrPaths = set: let flattenIfHasList = x: if (l.isList x) && (l.any l.isList x) then l.concatMap flattenIfHasList x else [x]; recurse = path: set: let g = name: value: if l.isAttrs value then recurse (path ++ [name]) value else path ++ [name]; in l.mapAttrsToList g set; in flattenIfHasList (recurse [] set); in { options = { perSystem = flake-parts-lib.mkPerSystemOption ({...}: { options = { html-nix.lib = { mkServeFromSite = l.mkOption { type = with l.types; functionTo package; }; mkSiteFrom = l.mkOption { type = with l.types; functionTo attrs; }; mkSitePathFrom = l.mkOption { type = l.types.raw; }; parseMarkdown = l.mkOption { type = l.types.raw; }; }; }; }); }; config = { perSystem = {pkgs, ...}: let pkgBin = name: "${pkgs.${name}}/bin/${name}"; mkServePathScript = path: pkgs.writeScriptBin "serve" '' ${pkgs.nodePackages.http-server}/bin/http-server -c-1 ${path} ''; mkSitePath = site: let convertToPath = path: value: if builtins.isPath value then value else pkgs.writeText (l.concatStringsSep "-" path) value; fileAttrPaths = recursiveAttrPaths site; texts = l.mapAttrsRecursive convertToPath site; mkCreateFileCmd = path: value: let p = l.concatStringsSep "/" (l.init path); in "mkdir -p \"$out/${p}\" && ln -s \"${value}\" \"$out/${p}/${l.last path}\""; createFileCmds = l.map (path: mkCreateFileCmd path (l.getAttrFromPath path texts)) fileAttrPaths; in pkgs.runCommandLocal "site-path" {} '' mkdir -p $out ${l.concatStringsSep "\n" createFileCmds} ''; parseMarkdown = name: path: pkgs.runCommandLocal name {} '' ${pkgBin "pandoc"} ${path} -f gfm -o $out ''; in { html-nix.lib = { inherit parseMarkdown; mkSitePathFrom = mkSitePath; mkServeFromSite = site: mkServePathScript (mkSitePath site); mkSiteFrom = { src, templater, local ? false, config ? {}, } @ args: let getPath = from: name: l.path { name = l.strings.sanitizeDerivationName name; path = "${toString from}/${name}"; }; postsRendered = let path = "${toString src}/posts"; in if l.pathExists postsRendered then l.pipe (l.readDir path) [ (l.mapAttrsToList ( name: _: let __displayName = l.head (l.splitString "." name); _displayName = l.splitString "_" __displayName; id = l.replaceStrings [" "] ["_"] __displayName; date = l.head _displayName; in { inherit id; displayName = l.last _displayName; date = if date == "" then null else date; content = l.readFile (parseMarkdown id (getPath path name)); } )) (l.sort ( p: op: let extractDate = date: l.splitString "-" date; getPart = date: el: l.removeSuffix "0" (l.elemAt (extractDate date) el); d = getPart p.date; od = getPart op.date; in if p.date == null then false else if op.date == null then true else !(d 0 > od 0 && d 1 > od 1 && d 2 > od 2) )) ] else []; pagesRendered = let path = "${toString src}/pages"; in if l.pathExists path then l.mapAttrsToList ( name: _: rec { displayName = l.head (l.splitString "." name); id = l.replaceStrings [" "] ["_"] displayName; content = l.readFile (parseMarkdown id (getPath path name)); } ) (l.readDir path) else []; baseurl = if local then "http://localhost:8080" else args.config.baseurl or (throw "Need baseurl"); context = { inherit lib baseurl; inherit (args) config; posts = postsRendered; pages = pagesRendered; site = { "robots.txt" = '' User-agent: * Allow: / ''; }; }; in (templater context).site; }; }; }; }