Timothy DeHerrera 1651913910
profiles: simplify profiles to suites
* Leave importing to nixpkgs module implentation. Provide a path
  instead; resolves #136.
* Allow profiles which are not lambdas but simple attribute sets,
  relaxing the constraints a bit.
* Update profile
* defaultImports -> mkProfileAttrs: allow importing subprofiles even
  if parent directory does not contain a default.nix.
2021-02-25 14:47:19 -07:00
2021-02-17 18:31:33 -07:00


Suites provide a mechanism for users to easily combine and name collecitons of profiles. For good examples, check out the suites defined in the community branch.

In the future, we will use suites as a mechanism for deploying various machine types which don't depend on hardware, such as vm's and containers.


rec {
  workstation = [ profiles.develop profiles.graphical users.nixos ];
  mobileWS = workstation ++ [ profiles.laptop ];



{ suites, ... }:
  imports = suites.mobileWS;