hook global WinCreate ^[^*]+$ %{ add-highlighter window/ number-lines  }

# colorscheme
face global Information yellow,default
face global MenuBackground black,white
face global MenuForeground white,black
face global comment white+d
face global meta blue
addhl global/ column 80 SecondaryCursor

# convert tabs to spaces and cleanup trailing whitespace on save
hook global BufWritePre ^[^*]+$ %{
  try %{ execute-keys -draft \%@s\h+$<ret>d }

# use .editorconfig
hook global WinCreate .* %{editorconfig-load}

# useful mappings
map global normal <a-q> ': delete-buffer<ret>'
map global normal <c-s> ': write<ret>'
map global normal <c-q> ': quit<ret>'
map global normal <c-a-n> ': buffer-next<ret>'
map global normal <c-a-p> ': buffer-previous<ret>'
map global -docstring "comment line" user c ': comment-line<ret>'
map global -docstring "comment block" user C ': comment-block<ret>'
map -docstring "format buffer" global user f ': format<ret>'

# splits just like vim using tmux
define-command -params 0.. -file-completion \
  -docstring "split tmux pane vertically" split \
  %{ tmux-terminal-vertical kak -c %val{session} -e edit! %arg{@} }

define-command -params 0.. -file-completion \
  -docstring "split tmux pane horizontally" vsplit \
  %{ tmux-terminal-horizontal kak -c %val{session} -e edit! %arg{@} }

alias global sp split
alias global vs vsplit

# jj to leave insert mode
hook global InsertChar j %{ try %{
  exec -draft hH <a-k>jj<ret> d
  exec <esc>

set global ui_options ncurses_assistant=none
set global tabstop 2
set global indentwidth 2

hook global InsertCompletionShow .* %{
    try %{
        # this command temporarily removes cursors preceded by whitespace;
        # if there are no cursors left, it raises an error, does not
        # continue to execute the mapping commands, and the error is eaten
        # by the `try` command so no warning appears.
        execute-keys -draft 'h<a-K>\h<ret>'
        map window insert <tab> <c-n>
        map window insert <s-tab> <c-p>
hook global InsertCompletionHide .* %{
    unmap window insert <tab> <c-n>
    unmap window insert <s-tab> <c-p>

try %{ require-module kak }
add-highlighter shared/kakrc/code/if_else regex \b(if|else)\b 0:keyword

# create an if for conditional parsing
define-command -docstring "if <condition> <expression> [else [if <condition>] <expression>]: if statement that accepts shell-valid condition string" \
if -params 2.. %{ evaluate-commands %sh{
    while [ true ]; do
        condition="[ $1 ]"
        if [ -n "$3" ] && [ "$3" != "else" ]; then
            printf "%s\n" "fail %{if: unknown operator '$3'}"
        elif [ $# -eq 3 ]; then
            printf "%s\n" "fail %{if: wrong argument count}"
        elif eval $condition; then
            [ -n "${2##*&*}" ] && arg="$2" || arg="$(printf '%s' "$2" | sed 's/&/&&/g')"
            printf "%s\n" "evaluate-commands %& $arg &"
        elif [ $# -eq 4 ]; then
            [ -n "${4##*&*}" ] && arg="$4" || arg="$(printf '%s' "$4" | sed 's/&/&&/g')"
            printf "%s\n" "evaluate-commands %& $arg &"
        elif [ $# -gt 4 ]; then
            if [ "$4" = "if" ]; then
                shift 4
                printf "%s\n" "fail %{if: wrong argument count}"

# show git diff on sidebar if it git repository
if %[ "$(command git status 2>/dev/null)" ] %{
  hook global WinCreate .* %{ git show-diff }
  hook global BufWritePost .* %{ git show-diff }
  hook global ModeChange insert:normal %{ git show-diff }

hook global WinCreate .* %{ kakboard-enable  }